Amazon PPC Keyword Research: Finding the Right Keywords for Amazon Ad Campaigns

Featured image for the Adjoli blog post that talks about Amazon PPC Keyword Research.
Are you struggling to get your Amazon PPC campaigns to perform as well as you’d like? The solution may be as simple as finding the right keywords. Proper keyword research can help you target the right audience, increase visibility, and ultimately boost sales. In this blog post, we’ll explore the various methods and tools for finding the best keywords for your Amazon PPC campaigns.


  • Understanding Amazon PPC Keywords
  • Finding the Right Keywords for Amazon PPC Campaigns
    • Using Amazon Keyword Research Apps
      • How to Use
    • Using Amazon Search Suggestions for Keyword Research
      • How to Use
      • Take It a Step Further With Helium 10
    • Using Google Keyword Planner
  • Put Yourself In Your Customers’ Shoes
  • Analyzing Competitor Keywords
  • Summary and Next Steps
  • Related Articles

Understanding Amazon PPC Keywords

Before we dive into Amazon keyword research, it’s important to understand the different types of keywords.

Top-level keywords (or main keywords) are broad terms that describe your product, while longtail keywords are more specific phrases that target a narrower audience. Both types of keywords are important for a successful campaign.

If you don’t know what longtail keywords are, we talk about it (and a lot of other things that beginners should know about) in our Amazon PPC For Beginners post.

Your main keywords should be as short as possible and also should accurately describe your product. To add to that, your main keywords should also have the highest search volume on Amazon compared to the rest of your keywords (more on how to get this in the ____ section).

Picture of one Nike Air Max 270 shoe. This is shown as an example product for Amazon keyword research.

For example, if we were selling Nike Air Max 270 shoes, here would be some good main keywords to add to your list:

  • nike shoes
  • running shoes
  • mens shoes

Your longtail keywords will usually contain more words than all of your main keywords, but they should also be much more specific.

Using our example of Nike Air Max 270 shoes above, here would be some good longtail keywords to add to your list:

  • nike air max 270
  • nike airs
  • nike air max shoes
  • nike air max 270 shoes

Finding the Right Keywords for Amazon PPC Campaigns

There are several methods and tools for finding the right keywords for your Amazon PPC campaigns. That said, the key to building a list of good keywords to use in your campaigns is to use the right tool(s).

Amazon keyword research tools like Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and Viral Launch can help you find popular search terms and phrases related to any keyword that you input.

You can also use Amazon’s own search suggestions and auto-complete feature to see what users are searching for.

Third-party tools like Google Keyword Planner can also provide valuable insights.

Using Amazon Keyword Research Apps

Keyword research tools like Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and Viral Launchcan help you identify popular search terms and phrases.

These tools allow you to search for keywords related to your product, view the search volume and competition for each term, and even see the estimated sales volume for products that are ranking for those keywords.

You can also use these tools to track changes in keyword rankings over time.

How to Use

Most Amazon keyword research tools work roughly in the same way: you enter a keyword into the app and it will spit out a ton of other relevant keywords that it thinks will be good to use in your campaigns.

Tools like Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and Viral Launch will also give you various datapoints for each keyword suggestion that it gives you. Additionally, all of these tools will give you an estimated monthly search volume that you can refer to when making a decision on whether or not to add it into your campaigns.

To use these tools, start by entering one of the main (top-level) keywords related to your product. The tool will generate a list of related keywords and show you data on search volume, competition, and other key metrics. You can then filter the results based on factors like search volume, competition level, and relevance to your product.

Using Amazon Search Suggestions for Keyword Research

Amazon’s own search suggestions can be a valuable resource for finding the right keywords for your Amazon PPC campaigns. As you type a search query into Amazon’s search bar, the platform offers a list of suggestions based on popular searches related to that topic. These suggestions can help you identify common search terms and phrases that users are using to find products similar to yours.

How to Use

Using Amazon search suggestions for keyword research is easy. Just type in one of your main keywords into the search bar, and as you type, Amazon will offer a list of related search queries. Take note of these suggestions and consider adding them to your list of potential keywords.

You can also use Amazon’s auto-complete feature to see what users are searching for. Type in a keyword related to your product and wait for a moment to see what other related phrases appear in the drop-down menu. These suggestions can help you identify longtail keywords that may be relevant to your product and audience.

Example of how Amazon search's keyword suggestions look like.

Example of how Amazon search’s keyword suggestions look like.

Remember that Amazon search suggestions are based on user behavior and search history, so they can provide valuable insights into the language and terminology used by your target audience. By using these suggestions in your keyword research, you can better understand how users are searching for products similar to yours and improve your campaigns accordingly.

Take It a Step Further With Helium 10

Helium 10 has a feature that extends the usefulness of Amazon’s native search suggestions. On top of showing you what Amazon would suggest for keywords, Helium 10 can also show you:

Example of how Helium 10 integrates with Amazon search to provide you even more keyword suggestions.

Example of how Helium 10 integrates with Amazon search to provide you even more keyword suggestions.

  1. Related keywords (main keywords and longtail keywords) that may or may not contain the original words in your search query
  2. Phrase match keywords for longtail phrases that come after the original search query.
    • Example: if we typed “nike shoes” in the search bar, then it would suggest “nike shoes men”, “nike shoes kids”, “nike shoes men air max”, etc.
  3. Phrase match keywords for longtail phrases that come before the original search query.
    • Example: if we typed “nike shoes” in the search bar, then it would suggest “baby nike shoes”, “kids nike shoes”, “mens nike shoes”, etc.

In addition to displaying all of these suggested keywords, it can also show you estimated search volume for them, making Helium 10 one of the best tools for leveraging Amazon search suggestions for keyword research.

Using Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that can also help you find the right keywords for your Amazon PPC campaigns. To use Keyword Planner, you’ll need to create a Google Ads account, but don’t worry, you don’t need to actually create an ad campaign to use the tool.

Once you’re logged in, enter a keyword related to your product or service into the search bar. Keyword Planner will generate a list of related keywords and show you data on search volume, competition, and other key metrics. You can then filter the results based on factors like search volume, competition level, and relevance to your product.

To use Google Keyword Planner, just enter any number of search queries that you need keyword suggestions for and click on the "Get results" button.

To use Google Keyword Planner, just enter any number of search queries that you need keyword suggestions for and click on the “Get results” button.

Google Keyword Planner keyword ideas based on our search query of "nike air max".

Google Keyword Planner keyword ideas based on our search query of “nike air max”.

Keep in mind that Keyword Planner is designed for Google Ads campaigns, so some of the data may not be directly applicable to Amazon PPC campaigns. However, it can still provide valuable insights into popular search terms and phrases that you can use to refine your keyword strategy and also add into your list of potential keywords for Amazon ad campaigns.

Put Yourself In Your Customers’ Shoes

Person thinking about what their customers would do if they were buying their products.

When it comes to conducting keyword research for Amazon PPC campaigns, it’s important to put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Understanding the purchasing process and decision-making factors of your target audience can help you identify the most effective keywords to use in your campaigns. By thinking like your customer, you can better understand their needs and preferences and tailor your ad campaigns accordingly.

One way to put yourself in your customers’ shoes is to think about the language and terminology they use when searching for products like yours.

What words or phrases do they use to describe your product or the problem it solves?

By using these same keywords in your ad campaigns, you can improve your visibility and attract more qualified traffic.

Another important factor to consider is the customer journey.

What are the steps that a customer goes through when deciding to make a purchase?

What information do they need to make an informed decision?

By understanding the customer journey, you can create ad campaigns that target customers at each stage of the process, from awareness to consideration to purchase.

In summary, putting yourself in your customers’ shoes is essential for effective keyword research and ad targeting. By understanding your target audience’s language, preferences, and decision-making process, you can create ad campaigns that are more likely to drive conversions and boost your sales.

Analyzing Competitor Keywords

Analyzing your competitors’ keywords can help you gain a competitive edge. Tools like Helium 10’s Cerebro and Jungle Scout’s Keyword Scout can help you identify the keywords your competitors are targeting. You can then use this information to refine your own keyword strategy and target the same audience.

If you don’t have third-party tools for Amazon keyword research yet, then a great (and free!) way to do this process is by following the high-level steps below:

  1. Gather a list of all of your competitors on Amazon. Include links to their products’ Amazon listings that are directly competing with your product line.
  2. For each of your competitors’ listings, analyze the Title and Bullet Points on them. The reason that we only analyze these two elements is because they have the most “weight” in terms of keyword indexing and relevance on Amazon.
  3. While doing your analysis, ask yourself the following questions:
    • What keywords are they all prioritizing in the first 100 characters of their title?
      • This will give you a general idea of which keywords you should prioritize in your Amazon PPC campaigns since main keywords outlined near the beginning of the title have the most impact for keyword indexing and ranking.
    • What keywords (and their longtail variations) are constantly being used in the bullet points?
      • Bullet points are where most of the sale “happens” on Amazon listings. Just like the title, this will give you an idea of what keywords you should be targeting in your campaigns.
      • If you notice a pattern of repetition between certain longtail keywords, then chances are that it is probably going to be a high-converting keyword for your product too.

Summary and Next Steps

In this article, we explored the various methods and tools for finding the best keywords for your Amazon PPC campaigns. Proper keyword research can help you target the right audience, increase visibility, and ultimately boost sales. We discussed the importance of using the right tools, putting yourself in your customer’s shoes, and analyzing competitor keywords.

To get started with Amazon keyword research, begin by using tools like Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and Viral Launch to identify popular search terms and phrases related to any keyword that you input. You can also use Amazon’s own search suggestions and auto-complete feature to see what users are searching for. Third-party tools like Google Keyword Planner can also provide valuable insights.

Next, put yourself in your customers’ shoes by thinking about the language and terminology they use when searching for products like yours. What words or phrases do they use to describe your product or the problem it solves? By using these same keywords in your ad campaigns, you can improve your visibility and attract more qualified traffic.

Finally, analyze your competitors’ keywords to gain a competitive edge. Tools like Helium 10’s Cerebro and Jungle Scout’s Keyword Scout can help you identify the keywords your competitors are targeting.

By following these tips and using the right tools, you can create effective Amazon PPC campaigns that drive conversions and boost your sales.

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