Amazon PPC Dayparting: The Secret to Successful Advertising on Amazon

Amazon PPC Dayparting.
Discover the impact of Amazon PPC dayparting and how strategic ad scheduling can help you boost sales and conversions. Learn actionable tips and techniques to effectively implement dayparting and reach your target audience at the optimal times.

Before You Start

  • Before diving into dayparting, ensure that you have a solid understanding of Amazon PPC advertising basics and have had active campaigns running for at least 60 days.
  • If this is your first rodeo with Amazon PPC, then check out our Amazon PPC Beginner’s Guide to get your feet wet.


What is Dayparting?

Dayparting, also known as ad scheduling, is the practice of adjusting your Amazon PPC ad campaigns to be active only during specific time periods and/or specific days of the week.

By strategically choosing when your ads are active, you can target your audience at times when they are most likely to engage and convert.

Different Types of Dayparting

In this section, we’ll explore two different types of dayparting: simple dayparting and dayparting with modifiers.

The ultimate goal of dayparting on Amazon is to spend money during your best-performing days/hours and stop spending money on your worst days/hours.

With that said, there are a couple of ways that this can be accomplished, so let’s dive into more detail on that.

Simple Dayparting

Simple Dayparting is the most commonly known form of dayparting on Amazon ads and is the easiest one to understand. This is the type of dayparting where you define both the days and hours that you want your campaigns to be active.

Accordingly, campaigns outside of those defined days and hours will be in a paused state so that they don’t deliver.

Dayparting With Modifiers

Along with simple dayparting, you can also implement Dayparting With Modifiers. With this type of dayparting, you’re able to define specific days/hours with percent modifiers for either your budgets, bids, or both.

Let’s take the following scenario using Amazon dayparting with bids, for example (only a few hours of the day and days of the week are included to keep it simple):


In the table above, we have Monday – Wednesday as our days of the week and 4pm – 6pm as our assign hours.

Let’s say that, on average, Tuesdays between 4pm – 5pm are really slow for our business and 5pm – 7pm. If we have data to show that our Amazon ad campaigns perform poorly between these hours, then it makes logical business sense to limit our exposure within that time.

On that basis, we can set a 0% bid modifier during that time, which causes our bids for all campaigns assigned to this rule to drop to the minimum of $0.02.

Conversely, if we know that our Amazon PPC campaigns perform really well on Wednesdays between 4pm – 7pm, then we can leverage that data to scale our ad campaigns during that time. That said, we can easily apply a 200% bid modifier on Wednesdays between 4pm – 7pm (inclusively) to double all of our bids during those times.

Hopefully that all made sense! Make sure that you have a solid understanding of these concepts before reading further. 🙂

Pros and Cons Between Both Types of Dayparting

Now that you have a solid grasp over the two different types of dayparting on Amazon, let’s go over the pros and cons of both of them.

Pros and Cons of Simple Dayparting

Really easy to set up.No granular control, since campaigns are either on or off during certain times.
Great for testing out & dabbling with dayparting.You miss out on ad delivery during “paused” times.
Easy and quick to adjust and fine-tune

Pros and Cons of Dayparting With Modifiers

Really granular control over your campaigns.A lot of work to set up in the beginning.
Ability to get consistent delivery throughout all hours of the day.Adjusting rules can take a lot of time since more granular analysis is required.
Ability to generate profitable sales during downtime.Needs a lot of data to set up reliable rules.

Benefits of Amazon PPC Dayparting

  • Improved ROAS: By focusing your ad spend on peak hours, you can optimize your budget and increase the return on investment.
  • Enhanced Relevance: Displaying ads at the right times ensures they are seen by customers actively searching for relevant products, increasing your conversion rate.
  • Competitive Advantage: Dayparting lets you to outperform competitors by capturing the attention of potential customers when they are most receptive to your ads.

Identifying Optimal Time Periods

When it comes to identifying the optimal time periods for your Amazon PPC campaigns, Adjoli stands out from the competition.

Adjoli is one of the only tools in the world that gives you with detailed hour-by-hour and day-by-day data on your Amazon PPC performance.

Other apps for Amazon PPC give you dayparting data, but that data usually combines your organic and PPC sales data together, making it almost impossible to make data-driven PPC decisions on dayparting.

With this level of granularity, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize your ad scheduling.

Summary and Next Steps

In conclusion, dayparting is a powerful technique that can greatly enhance your Amazon PPC advertising efforts. By strategically scheduling your ads during peak times, you can improve your ROAS, increase relevance, and gain a competitive edge.

To get started, analyze your campaign data, use Adjoli to identify the best time periods for your audience, and then use Adjoli to implement your new dayparting rules.

Afterwards, continuously monitor and refine your Amazon dayparting rules to maximize performance.

With Adjoli, you have the tools to unlock the full potential of dayparting and boost your sales with actual Amazon PPC dayparting data.

Take action now and watch your Amazon PPC campaigns thrive!

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